Thursday, December 04, 2008


Your credibility with your customers is your number one sales credential. While your credibility has always been important to your customers, today it is not only foremost on a customer’s checklist for doing business with you, it is easy to measure.

The web has made it possible for customers, with a few clicks, to find out how accurate your every word is, whether about yourself, your products, or your organization.

Whether customers check blogs, social networks, etc. … they are checking. Faulty information won’t remain a secret for very long today thanks to the web. For example, flogs (fake blogs made to look as if they are generated by consumers) are easy to detect because facts are easy to check and expose in a matter of minutes. One salesperson lost a sale by making a less than truthful claim. He explained to his customer his mark-up was 5%. When the customer checked the web, he discovered a 7.5% mark-up. Armed with this, he not only had more negotiating power to get the deal he wanted, he chose another provider!

One candidate for a sales job was too casual about the pictures he showed on Facebook, giving his would-be employer insights better left for close friends. Magnified transparency is the new factor in the buyer-seller relationship.

So double-check your facts to guard your credibility and build on and keep the trust you’ve earned.

To learn more about Richardson's global sales training solutions, please visit our website at

1 comment:

The Buzz said...

Your credibility with your customers is often the number on strength of the small business owner - and the number one thing they don't choose to use when persuading prospects to do business with them! I guess we all take it for granted that if we are honest and honourable, everyone else must be. But this is so often not the case, and prospects are so often leery, that we need to SHOW how trustworthy are all the time. Testimonials are great, but even better is a written "How We Work" process that lays out with total transparency how customers will interact with you, and how you will earn their trust.