Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Economy???

With headlines warning of a possible slip into recession, it is important to re-look at each of our books of business.

A question for all of you to consider is — What new steps are you taking in your sales efforts to build a stronger pipeline to make sure you have a shot at every possible piece of good business in your market?

Share some ideas and possibly get some!



Linda Richardson is founder of Richardson (, a leading global sales training and consulting firm. Linda is a recognized leader in the sales training industry and is credited with the movement to consultative selling. Ms. Richardson has written 9 books on sales including her most recent, The Sales Success Handbook. She has been published extensively in industry and training journals and has been featured in numerous publications.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fill The Pipeline


We sell nutritional products and also recruit people to sell, etc. so we have two things to market: products and a business opportunity. The steps we take are:

1. focus to identify niches we've not identified in the past

2. teach/train distributors we work with to do the same

3. do good follow-up

4. increase prospecting activity